The Fourth of July is a great time in American Canyon. By far, it is our signature community event. This year, there were literally thousands at our Community Park II, listening to great music and enjoying our fireworks.
I was there, too--as the only candidate to be a sponsor of the event and to have a booth, talking to voters and enjoying the day! I handed out a letter to the voters--download it here.
I am running for re-election to finish the work I began: address traffic congestion, improve our economy, and build a better partnership between the City and the Community. I've added a fourth issue: Climate Change. This has quickly become a major crisis for American Canyon and the rest of the world!
We are beginning to make progress on all these fronts, and I want to be there to make sure your voice is heard and we get the job done!
I truly appreciate your support in the past, and I would be honored to earn your vote on November 8.