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This is where I'll be adding blog posts and other announcements. Please sign up so you'll get the latest!
What I have learned
I just finished walking the entire City, starting in my neighborhood of Cookie Hill and ending at Chesapeake. It has been a very...
As the Campaign draws to a close
We're down to the last two weeks. Ballots have been mailed out, and some of you have already voted. For those of you that haven't, VOTE!...
Traffic--My Number One Priority
I have been walking door to door this campaign and the theme is clear: traffic is the biggest issue of concern. I agree. It has been...
Candidate Forum Questions--and Answers!
I hope everyone watched the Chamber's Candidate Forum--either in person or online. Here's the link for the video. If you get to the...
My Vision for American Canyon
The campaign season is in full swing. We're all out there, meeting voters and attending events. That's good. But meeting a candidate...
Blog: Blog
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